
by Micah Jerome Ellison

Here, in a playful crowd, trading jokes and tropes, feeling lonelier than when I'm alone. I'm going home to a cave in the sky with a kitchen and a bed and the internet to fill my head. I'm distracted

by your face, yeah your face, yeah, those 200 x 200 pixels in my feed by your name next to some inane post about what you had to eat and I like, I like, I like. Yeah, I like, I like, I like.

There's an army of robots that know what I like and they know that I like you so they serve me your words and pictures and thoughts when I ask them, "Hey, what's new?"

But did you consent to them automatically stalking you? It's not what I told them to do, I swear! But hey, look there, it's something new:

Yeah, it's your face, yeah your face, yeah, those 200 x 200 pixels in my feed by your name next to some inane post about what you had to eat and I like, I like, I like. Yeah, I like, I like...

I'm in a cave in the sky with a kitchen and a bed and the internet to fill my head. I'm distracted.
